Crafting Healing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Medicine Bags

Crafting Healing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Medicine Bags


Medicine bags have been used for centuries by various cultures around the world as a way to carry and store healing items. These small pouches are filled with herbs, crystals, and other sacred objects that are believed to have healing properties. Making your own medicine bag can be a deeply personal and empowering experience. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore the process of crafting your own medicine bag and the significance behind each element.

Materials Needed

Before you begin, gather the following materials:

  • A small piece of fabric or leather
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Herbs or dried plants
  • Crystals or gemstones
  • Feathers or other sacred objects
  • Optional: beads, charms, or other decorative elements

Step 1: Choosing the Fabric

The first step in creating your medicine bag is selecting the fabric or leather for the pouch. Choose a material that resonates with you and reflects your intentions for the bag. Some popular choices include cotton, silk, velvet, or suede. Cut a small square or rectangle from the fabric, ensuring it is large enough to hold your chosen items.

Step 2: Sewing the Pouch

Using a needle and thread, fold the fabric in half with the patterned or colored side facing inward. Begin sewing along the edges, leaving a small opening at the top. This opening will serve as the bag’s entrance. Once you have sewn three sides, turn the pouch inside out so that the pattern or color is now visible on the outside.

Step 3: Adding the Healing Elements

Now it’s time to fill your medicine bag with healing elements. Start by selecting herbs or dried plants that resonate with your intentions. Some popular choices include lavender for relaxation, rosemary for clarity, and sage for purification. Place these herbs inside the pouch, being mindful of their healing properties.

Next, choose crystals or gemstones that align with your intentions. For example, amethyst is often used for spiritual healing, while rose quartz is associated with love and compassion. Add these stones to the bag, allowing their energy to infuse with the herbs.

Finally, consider adding feathers or other sacred objects that hold personal significance. Feathers can represent freedom and spiritual connection, while other objects may symbolize protection or guidance. These elements will further enhance the healing energy of your medicine bag.

Step 4: Closing the Bag

Once you have filled your medicine bag with the desired healing elements, it’s time to close it. Take the open end of the pouch and fold it inward. Use your needle and thread to sew the opening shut, ensuring that none of the contents can escape. As you sew, visualize the bag sealing in the healing energy and intentions you have infused into it.

Step 5: Personalizing Your Medicine Bag

While your medicine bag is now complete, you may choose to personalize it further. Consider adding beads, charms, or other decorative elements that hold personal significance. These additions can make your medicine bag truly unique and reflective of your own healing journey.

Using Your Medicine Bag

Now that you have crafted your own medicine bag, it’s important to understand how to use it effectively. Here are some tips:

  1. Carry your medicine bag with you throughout the day, either in your pocket or worn as a necklace.
  2. When you need healing or guidance, hold the bag in your hands and focus on your intentions.
  3. Place the bag under your pillow at night to promote restful sleep and dream recall.
  4. Periodically cleanse and recharge your medicine bag by placing it in sunlight or moonlight.

The Significance of Medicine Bags

Medicine bags hold deep cultural and spiritual significance. They are believed to carry the healing energy of the items within them and serve as a personal talisman for the owner. By crafting your own medicine bag, you are actively participating in your own healing journey and connecting with ancient traditions.


Crafting your own medicine bag is a powerful way to connect with your own healing abilities and intentions. By carefully selecting the fabric, filling it with healing elements, and personalizing it to reflect your own journey, you are creating a sacred object that can support you on your path to wellness. Embrace the process and enjoy the journey of crafting healing.