Exploring the Health Benefits: Does Dunkin’ Offer a Medicine Ball Drink?

Exploring the Health Benefits: Does Dunkin’ Offer a Medicine Ball Drink?


When it comes to beverages, many people are looking for options that not only taste good but also offer some health benefits. One popular drink that has gained attention in recent years is the Medicine Ball Drink. This warm, soothing beverage is said to have various health benefits, including boosting the immune system and relieving cold symptoms. In this article, we will explore whether Dunkin’ offers a Medicine Ball Drink and delve into its potential health benefits.

What is a Medicine Ball Drink?

The Medicine Ball Drink, also known as the “Cold Buster” or “Sick Tea,” is a hot beverage that combines tea, lemon, honey, and other ingredients. It is believed to have originated from Starbucks, where it was created as a secret menu item. The drink gained popularity due to its potential health benefits, particularly for relieving cold and flu symptoms.


The exact recipe for a Medicine Ball Drink may vary, but it typically includes the following ingredients:

  • Hot water
  • Tea bags (usually a combination of green tea and mint tea)
  • Lemonade
  • Honey
  • Peach tea

How Does It Work?

The combination of ingredients in a Medicine Ball Drink is believed to provide several health benefits:

  1. Boosting the immune system: Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can help strengthen the immune system and protect against illness.
  2. Soothing a sore throat: The warmth of the drink, combined with the honey and lemon, can help soothe a sore throat and provide relief from coughing.
  3. Relieving congestion: Mint tea has natural decongestant properties, which can help clear nasal passages and relieve congestion.
  4. Providing hydration: Drinking warm fluids can help keep the body hydrated, which is important for overall health and well-being.

Does Dunkin’ Offer a Medicine Ball Drink?

While the Medicine Ball Drink originated from Starbucks, many other coffee shops and cafes have started offering their own versions of the drink. Unfortunately, as of now, Dunkin’ does not officially offer a Medicine Ball Drink on their menu. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own version of the drink at Dunkin’!

Creating Your Own Medicine Ball Drink at Dunkin’

If you’re a fan of Dunkin’ and want to enjoy a Medicine Ball Drink, you can easily create your own version by customizing your order. Here’s how:

  1. Order a cup of hot water.
  2. Add a green tea bag and a mint tea bag to the hot water.
  3. Ask for a side of lemonade and honey.
  4. Add a splash of lemonade and a drizzle of honey to your tea.
  5. For an extra touch, you can also ask for a peach tea bag and add it to your drink.

By following these steps, you can create a similar warm and soothing beverage that resembles the popular Medicine Ball Drink.


The Medicine Ball Drink has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, particularly for relieving cold and flu symptoms. While Dunkin’ does not officially offer a Medicine Ball Drink on their menu, you can easily create your own version by customizing your order. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system or soothe a sore throat, this warm and comforting beverage may be worth a try.


It’s important to note that the health benefits of the Medicine Ball Drink are not scientifically proven. While the ingredients used in the drink have potential health benefits, individual results may vary. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and recommendations.


1. Starbucks – Medicine Ball Tea

2. Healthline – 10 Proven Benefits of Green Tea

3. Medical News Today – What are the benefits of drinking hot water?

Comparison of Popular Hot Beverages
Beverage Taste Health Benefits
Medicine Ball Drink Warm, soothing Potential immune-boosting and cold-relieving properties
Green Tea Light, refreshing Rich in antioxidants, may aid in weight loss
Hot Lemon Water Tangy, citrusy Can aid digestion and promote hydration
Hot Chocolate Rich, chocolatey May improve mood and provide temporary comfort