Step-by-Step Guide: Replacing Your Medicine Cabinet Mirror

Step-by-Step Guide: Replacing Your Medicine Cabinet Mirror

Step-by-Step Guide: Replacing Your Medicine Cabinet Mirror

Step-by-Step Guide: Replacing Your Medicine Cabinet Mirror


Replacing your medicine cabinet mirror can be a simple and cost-effective way to update the look of your bathroom. Whether your current mirror is damaged, outdated, or simply no longer suits your style, this step-by-step guide will help you through the process of replacing it with a new one.

Tools and Materials

Before you begin, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Measuring tape
  • Screwdriver
  • Putty knife
  • Level
  • New mirror
  • Mounting hardware
  • Painter’s tape
  • Safety goggles

Step 1: Measure the Existing Mirror

Use a measuring tape to determine the dimensions of your current medicine cabinet mirror. Record the width, height, and thickness of the mirror, as well as the distance between any mounting brackets or hardware.

Step 2: Remove the Old Mirror

Before removing the old mirror, protect the surrounding area with painter’s tape to prevent damage. Use a screwdriver to carefully remove any mounting hardware or brackets holding the mirror in place. Once the hardware is removed, use a putty knife to gently pry the mirror away from the wall. Be sure to wear safety goggles during this step to protect your eyes from any broken glass.

Step 3: Prepare the Wall

After removing the old mirror, inspect the wall for any damage or residue left behind. Clean the area thoroughly and make any necessary repairs before proceeding with the installation of the new mirror.

Step 4: Install Mounting Hardware

If your new mirror requires mounting hardware, use a level to ensure that it is installed evenly and securely. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific type of hardware you are using, whether it be clips, brackets, or adhesive strips.

Step 5: Hang the New Mirror

With the mounting hardware in place, carefully hang the new mirror on the wall. Use a level to ensure that it is straight and adjust as needed. Once the mirror is in position, secure it in place according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 6: Finishing Touches

Once the new mirror is installed, take a step back and admire your handiwork. Clean the mirror and surrounding area to remove any fingerprints or smudges, and make any final adjustments to ensure that it is perfectly positioned.

Tips and Considerations

When replacing your medicine cabinet mirror, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Consider the style and design of your bathroom when choosing a new mirror.
  • If you are unsure about the installation process, consult a professional for assistance.
  • Take proper safety precautions when removing the old mirror to avoid injury.
  • Measure twice and cut once to ensure that your new mirror fits perfectly.


By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily replace your medicine cabinet mirror and give your bathroom a fresh new look. With the right tools and materials, as well as careful attention to detail, you can complete this project in no time and enjoy the results for years to come.